Monday, January 11, 2010

Day 11: Body talk

Monday mourning started off with some very intense boxing and then rushed to Shapes to take my first group step class, I had no idea what this class was all about , I was just hoping for a great cardio workout and it went pretty decent (i don`t think it was as big of a challenge because my heart rate was up from boxing) but it was pretty awkward since the average age was probably 50 and I was the only male participant. After getting a hair cut( no more vegas hair) I did a Moksha flow taught by Leslee , the class was extremly different from the one I took from her on Friday but still very satisfying and well done, glad im taking classes from such great moksha intructors in order for me to try to enhance my skills.

Because of the lifestyles pass I decided to use the body talk coupon ,the session went great and I got a really good rest from it, also taught it was really cool that I was reconize from Moksha instantly by the person doing it. I was also told that I should take a break from the from the gym today because I told her i was planning on lifting weights but after the session it was recommended I give my body a rest for the night. Which is what I`m doing :) I guess a break for the body is well needed so I will make an effort to be safe with what I am doing in terms of work outs.

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