Sunday, January 31, 2010

Day 31: craziest dancer`s pose I have ever seen!

Well I started off the day with some intense boxing and was able to suqeeze in a quick nap before teach two 90 minute classes , before teaching the second class jennifer macdonald told me she came to my specifically because she had never been to it before and since she is apart of the royal winnipeg ballet she was able to hold the craziest dancer`s pose I had ever seen , overall the class went really well and Jacklyn was great as always making people lie down in an 8 minute savasana , talk about skill , I was so impressed by Jacklyn`s music I stayed for hatha class and enjoyed doing a practice of my own !

Day 30 Teaching beginners

Well I got to do something I hadnt done in a long time which was sleep in! I got to sleep til about 11 and then I taught my first ever class at shapes , I had to almost do the whole yoga class because every was very notice to the practice of yoga , the room wasn`t really heated but the fact i was able to teach people felt awesome and at the end of namaste I had a girl yell to me THAT WAS AMAZING!

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Day 29: I need a hero to save me now

All is well up in here guys! Was so beat from friday then I just fell asleep in front of the tv before midnight , so I made it to boxing which was the first time i was able to make it to every mourning class offered in one week then went to work , felt beat so I took a nap a skipped the gym today , felt nice did a little clothing shopping and got some super hero marvel shirts that i plan to wear during work outs and then still had tons of energy to teach both sold out classes! Overall very good day and I took extra meditation time in savasana... WHAT UP!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Day 28: All is well again , possibly best day of the challenge

Alright started off the day with boxing very good work out very intense, then watched the AFC championship game and watched the colts(my favorite team win) then did a power lifting class that made my arms feel great then worked out some legs after wards , after that I got myself some new yoga clothes! and did something that scares me (which will be talked about another day) after all the excite got to take a nice hour and twenty minute power nap then work up dealt with major traffic and missed flow 2.... didn`t even bother me , ended up taking my first philly d hot flow in about 6 months and taught some really solid classes according to the people that participated and also had two sister that I coached in high school come to my class as well. So overall the mood for me had just skyrocketed!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Day 27 : Just not feelin it

Did a boxing class , felt great then ,felt like I was making progress , watched biggest loser then went to work , work felt like such a drain and then went to dinner to celebrate my cousin who was staying with us for 6 months finally leaving(woo!) and then went on to work out(felt it was sort of wasted because it seemed like my work out partner just wouldn`t stop talking and jsut kept wasting time) but didn`t do an actual yoga practice ... I feel extremly bitter right now and crappy. So the possible factors is
1. Being at a job that frustrates me(I love moksha and I`m not talking about you !)
2. Not doing an actual yoga practice
3. Being sleep deprieved
4. Having to shovel the snow in the back when the entire family uses the lot
5. Working out with a partner who takes his time and can talk taking 3-5 minute breaks making
a work out last almost an hour an half

Ok I let my rant out , I feel a little better but not really , I `m gonna shower up , sleep and we`ll see if I make it to 6:45am boxing class with Lisa , over at out current 12:35

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Day 26: Setting the bar high almost freaks me out

Well after staying up super late last night I gathered up the energy to go to a power class at Shapes, it went rally well and the intructor gave me a few pointers afterwards , I felt pretty sluggish afterwards and went to a body talk session , I felt great after the session and then had to decide whether to nap or do flow 2 before I teach 2 classes later on in the evening .. I opted to do flow 2 and had tons of fun , so much fun I can name everyone in the class , Melissa , Jody, Lisa , Lauren, Kam and red head girl who has been to like every flow 2 class but i`m not sure if any of the previous people have talked to her, anyways well led class by Nena!I taught 2 classes tonight that I felt went pretty well and had a girl come up to me saying that my classes are her favorite and she wanted to know when I was teaching next , it felt really great that she got so much joy out of my class but a little nervous I won`t deliver and awesome to her everytime if people have their exspectations too high, Just as long as I don`t get too repetitive I think I should be fine

Day 25: Slippery when wet... it`s winnipeg actually slippery when frozen

The day started off with one of the more intensive boxing classes and we broke our breakfast club group`s number for stairs! afterwards I had to deal with really bad and dangerous traffic , after getting home safely I took a 10 minute nap and was off to work out my arms (since i was going out later tonight) and then had to rush to work. After work I did my first hot flow with Robin since her injury , the class was exactly what I needed before a night out to the pal , I probably won`t be back at the pal anytime soon but it wasn`t all that bad, really debating if I should wake up early to do a kick class ... oh man it`s almost 3am , peace

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Day 24: The Peep show!! for the peeps by the peeps

Started off the day with one of my more intensive boxing classes with Kevin, running stairs continues to be the biggest challenge for me, afterwards I did the noon class and boxing intructor Terese also participated after boxing class, the yoga class was led by Leslee who stuck by a very vintage moksha class. Afterwards I taught the 1:30 community class felt that it went fairly well , the class also has another boxing intructor Matt Morgan and was later on told I would be teaching the music class. The class ws joined by many Moksha regulars and sold out right away , after an intense and being able to keep the entire class in savasana for an entire 5 minutes , I received an overwelming amount of confidence, also forget to mention last week I had an actress attend my class who has been in movie like Dawn of the dead, how to lose a guy in 10 days and welcome to mooseport. Life just keeps getting better being an intructor!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Day 23: Almost 5 hours in the hot room = gooooooooooooood nap

Started the day teaching an 8am Moksha class Ryann was able to attend and ALi and Jason joined in on the fun as well, it was really nice share one more moment with them before they leave for Denver , afterwards I taught a 90 minute class that went extremly well and recieved several positive comments , really makes me happy that I became a yoga instructor. After teaching i decided to take a quick stop at home and then join 5 of my teamates for hip hop yoga , it was a blast and had lots of fun sharing good times with people I have gotten to known within the last few months since I got back from training , the positivity level is at all time high right now!

Day 22: Got to teach my first moksha flow!

Started the day off with an intense boxing class with Lisa then afterwards I was suppose to be teaching a double at Waverley, after hearing Moksha intructors Philly D and Sam getting named dropped on the radio for their contributions to Haiti , I was told that the 2 classes I am suppose to teach was at Donald. The classes went great , especially since I got to teach my first Moksha flow and I hope to teach more in the future, I received a really great review from Jen Penner who usually doubles almost everyday and I hope she one day starts teaching as well, after an amazing 3 hour power nap I got up to teach the 8 pm at waverley and ran into someone I hadn`t seen since grade 8 , so overall everything fell into place and celebrated with a little ebay shopping :) very excited to teach the mourning classes which i will later write about since i missed typing in my blog via ebay distracted!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Day 21: Starting to feel tired

Started off with intense boxing with Lisa and just felt beat and had to head to head to work ,after work it was time for flow 2 and I can honestly say barely remember the class because I was so fatigue , i really wasn`t sure what was bothering me , ended up staying in savasana longer then I intended that I missed a power lifting class at Shapes, so I did a chest work out instead and finished the night off with lots of pizza and the finale of Jersey shore , I`m sure tomorrow will go better , gonna do a 6 am boxing class and teaching 3 moksha tomorrow starting at 9 am , sleep shall be near

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Day 20: So long Ted and Paula

I had to say my final good bye to both of them today , at 6am I did a solid boxing class with lots of stairs(I hate stairs) and then go to take my final Paula Romkey class before she left Winnipeg , she really added her own spin to Moksha which I thought was very created which is why she`s standing strong with her studio in Ottawa and possibly another one on the way. Kind of felt sluggish the rest of the day and really thought about quitting my job (not Moksha ! the other place) but we`ll see , I just got back from a late night workout at 11 pm and I bought some Kashi bars afterwards , not eating them because eating late is not cool! alright i`ll blog tomorrow!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Day 19 : Great class Ted

This mourning I started the day off with a kick class then I went to the gym at 1 pm to workout my back, afterwards I had to make it to the studio super early because the founder of Moksha was teaching, this was a filled class that indeed packed well over 60 people, I was also in between two challengers Mellie and Melissa also the class punched many familiar faces including moksha instructors Ryann , Jason and Mesia. afterwards I just chilled out at the calm unity cafe and had a chance to talk to Paula Romkey , it was nice to get to know her for the short time she stayed in Winnipeg I look forward to taking my final class with her right after 6am boxing , namaste

Monday, January 18, 2010

Day 18:Waiting a year and 10 months was worth it!

Had my alarm set up for 6 am but just didn`t have the energy to do boxing , so I slept in til 10am , which just made my body feel well rested and then I went for an intense arm work out followed by a long awaited class with Paula Romkey , The back story to this was that Paula left moksha winnipeg right before I started going there and I would always see her on the website and I kept wondering what it was like to take one of her classes , well the wait was worth it and got to experience of the best savasanas of the challenge! After a typical at work later I got to listen to the Guru of greatness himself Ted Grand talk about what he loves best , very excited to take his class tomorrow

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Day 17: Chillin wit my boi Ted!

Woke up this mourning and did boxing class , felt very good but got a little tired after and it was cool that I ran into Nena`s husband there but didn`t find out til the very end. Instead of watching the big football games I taught the 1:30 class and then got to teach my first Moksha Music , I just have to say that Jacklyn is amazing and has an awesome voice, I would love to teach those classes again ! It was also nice to see Kendra,Carolyn and Ella attend for their challenge. Afterwards I went to the Ted Grand posture workshop with fellow challengers Lisa , Amelia ,Sally and Mika! after an awesome and healthy pot luck I chilled and watch snl digital shorts with Philly d , Paula Romkey(moksha yoga ottawa) and the man himself Ted Grand , I love how everyone can just be themselves and be considered yogies, gooooood times!

Day 16: Still sick but felt better after class

SO did the first class of hte mourning led by my good buddy Monica , class went well and then I had to work 8 hours which was quite a struggle but the day went by decently after wards I watched my pick to win the superbowl win the game , well kindo f did , I fell asleep during the 3rd quarter, most exciting news is that I just got word I will teach the music class tomorrow, very excited , must sleep to try to get over this sickness ,peace

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Day 15: Energy level low

Alrighty worked at 7-3 , then got to catch up with my good friend Joanna at the Yoga studio since shes an energy exchanger , took a wicked class from Philly D who ispired me to talk about haiti during my class later tonight . I should of went home after staying in savasana a good 15 minutes(I`ll admit lots of it was sleep I was unaware of) But I decided to do a chest workout which was really good but I just had no energy to do anything later , I think the largest mistake was going to long without eating. So anyways I later had to teach and went really well and I have my fifth boxing intructor attend , fellow 100 day challenger melissa and lots of long time going moksha yogies are actual long term members , also got to witness the return of Jamie Rutherford which was nice, rock on team

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Day 14 : Nothing like a 10 minute nosebleed

Still sick and coughing but I missed the last couple of thursday mourning boxing classes so I was up and ready for this one , super intense even without doing stairs, at 9 30 came another power class my right tricep could no longer do over head reps(hmmm good pain!) after that i did a calf and hamstring workout , after taking the best 10 min nap ever , i worked at safeway til 8 15 then rushed over to go to yin class , very happy to see challengers Lane , Myriam and Kelly attend with good ole JR working the desk . Somewhere during the day there was a 10 minute nosebleed luckily it was at work with no customers around so it felt like a second break , must be up at 6 am to head to work and then doing a moksha 2 class!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Day 13 : Simply over worked?

Well all my post seem to repetitive so straight up 7-12 work , 1-2 gym (shoulder workout) , 430-530 power lifting class (complete body workout) , 7-8 boxing class , 9 -10 hatha class , after boxing class I started experiencing some chest pain , not dure if my chest is just sore or if my heart is over worked, I was unable to stay awake for final savasana and ended up being the first one out in fear just sleeping for a solid 30min , anyways practice is right on track , must sleep soon to make 6 am boxing , be the change!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Day 12: Starting to get sick

Last night I ended up with really bad coughing before I went to bed , I really hope I didn`t catch anything, Started the day off at 8 am and went to a group kick class , the class was like step class and even though I was once again the only guy the average age I would have to say was 35. The class was indeed very good for a cardio and I think I will try this class once again. I kind of just chilled out until noon then went to a boxing class that was led by an intructor I havnt had before names Matt Morgan , very nice guy and he plans to take a class at the studio on Wednesday. After the boxing class I went to the gym and did a pretty intense back workout , after a few hours of rest I was off to flow 2, which a very fun class and I love it because the majority of the time there are familar faces so shouts out to Lauren , Melissa , Kam ,Matt and Jody , can`t seem to avoid a class without seeing them five (it was good to see fellow challenger Lisa also) afterwards I went out to Smittys and watch the movie Armored , I am now coughing like crazy , I do hope I get better wouldn`t want to fall behind in the challenge, peace!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Day 11: Body talk

Monday mourning started off with some very intense boxing and then rushed to Shapes to take my first group step class, I had no idea what this class was all about , I was just hoping for a great cardio workout and it went pretty decent (i don`t think it was as big of a challenge because my heart rate was up from boxing) but it was pretty awkward since the average age was probably 50 and I was the only male participant. After getting a hair cut( no more vegas hair) I did a Moksha flow taught by Leslee , the class was extremly different from the one I took from her on Friday but still very satisfying and well done, glad im taking classes from such great moksha intructors in order for me to try to enhance my skills.

Because of the lifestyles pass I decided to use the body talk coupon ,the session went great and I got a really good rest from it, also taught it was really cool that I was reconize from Moksha instantly by the person doing it. I was also told that I should take a break from the from the gym today because I told her i was planning on lifting weights but after the session it was recommended I give my body a rest for the night. Which is what I`m doing :) I guess a break for the body is well needed so I will make an effort to be safe with what I am doing in terms of work outs.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Day 10 : Starting off the day right

Well after staying up til 3am last night just watching random stuff on tv , I went to bed thinking tomorrow is my rest day , no yoga , no gym , no boxing... right before bed I set my alarm at for 9:10am to make a game time decision about it , after pressing the button three times ,Im like I didn`t drink last night so what excuse is there? So I went to Pan Am boxing and took a class from Gino(who recently got himself a 20 class pass , his first class was mine!) and felt great and still had energy so off to Moksha to take the noon class. Nena did an amazing job and really set a great intention to not let other people`s practice distract you from your own . I`m gonna give full credit to my peeps that I hung out with last night is the reason that I decided to get active this beautiful not that cold Sunday mourning , I hope everyone feels positive after their respective classes today. VIVA LA RAZA

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Day 9: Being part of a true team

Feeling extremly tired ,probably because of all the 6 am boxing classes and the staying up til 3 am I woke up at 11 feeling ready for a little bit of activity. So I did a class called centergy at Shapes not knowing what to exspect later found out it was 80% yoga and 20% pilates , the class was done to upbeat music and once again it seemed like I was the only guy in there (the sign said co-ed!). After class I was chatting with the instructor and she seemed really impressed with my practice , she gave me her e-mail and number and plans to attend a Moksha class in the near future. at 1:30 it was time to head to Moksha and do a class upstairs with the staff and later on having a meeting , the class was led by Leslee and we all seemed to have enjoyment in the overall practice. After the meeting I needed a solid power nap and I got one! Afterwards I got together with some of the fellow 100 day challengers ,Finally got to meet Ella`s baby boy! a couple of us stayed after a competitive game of scatergories (did you know jungles grow ) Mika ,Jessica , Colette and Lisa (hey Lisa did you notice the order) had too much enjoyment chatting up a storm for 2 hours that we didn`t end up starting another game , it`s super great to know that we are all very dedicated to our asana and have full trust in each other with the stories and experiences we share. Like the famous Frank Couzo said (actually played by James Earl Jones)

"A team is not a team, if you don`t give a damn about one another"

Friday, January 8, 2010

Day 8 : Teaching the best class yet

Had a very busy day fist off 6 am boxing with Tom got the heart rate up for sure , later did moksha flow with Leslee who really did a great job making it a very different class and then later on tonight teaching one of my finest classes with 60+ people in the room , it was insane and hot ,I had to put it down to 30 and it still felt crazy , everyone stayed in a left smiling which was the ultimate accomplishment, Had to keep this blog a little shorter since im heading out for Joanna `s bday , woo woo woo you know it! No worries team I`m DD tonight!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Day 7 ; Reconnecting with a yogi from the vegas training

Well this mourning did not go to smooth for me , I woke up at 6am wanting to go to boxing but then when i pressed the snooze button from the extra 5 minutes nap ,I woke up at 6 31 and decided to sleep in , got to sleep in til 9:30am , oh what joy! after worrying about my car and how much it will cost replace the bumper ,I had to endure a really rough day at work where 2 staff members suddenly had to leave because they were sick and another just no showed, once work was finish and having to deal with traffic I went to shapes with my buddy Stephane and we decided to try a class called power (so a weightlifting class) and it was like 25 girls and us (talk about yoga class atmosphere) except I actually felt really weird about being there , anyways by the end the class was very challenging that I know next time I must start up with a lower weight but felt amazing and left with a big smile , later on i was very tempted to go home and eat , I decided to stop at safeway instead and bought granolla bars to hold me off before yin class, Sherri was extremly helpful during the class and I ended up falling asleep during pigeon on the left side . During savasana I had many random thoughts like I`m talking from 1985 bears to just important african figures that changed history (must work on staying more present ... technically i guess I am ) also saw that many fellow challengers attended the 9 pm Leslee led class ,G0 TEAM .
Since being back from my Vegas training after the first month I had almost lost contact with most of the people from training , it`s pretty tough since none of them were from Winnipeg which is why I am that much more excited that Ted is coming to the studio. Well at about 11 pm one of my fellow moksha classmates(Kayleigh the only one that was younger then me and which I could picture being on a reality show just being the one to speak her mind and she pulled empire records style and shaved her head right before training , I seriously gave this girl made props!overall not your typical girly girl with a wicked sense of humor and someone you would find it hard to be bored with ) decided to message me and it really made me remember how much of a great time I had down there and how much of good thing went on. Which really makes me glad we started this 100 day challenge thing because it brings me to mentality that we are all different and unique and yet still all practicing yoga together for a certain periode of time, so thank you Moksha community for keeping me in tact and making me appreciate life (through the good and tought moments ) every step of the way

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Day 6 : Motivated from a friend in NC

Well I have realize my blogs have been more about my everyday life and not too much detail about my actual yoga practice, I think Im gonna continue with this format but for my personal practice today it was quite a challenge it was a full house led by Cheif Clancy :) it was very challenging , earlier in the day I went to 6am boxing class then went to work standing at safeway , went to the gym and did an arm workout with my gym partner Stephane(who many of you have met ) and then did a bunch of chattarungas and backbends . Well anyways I`m motivated now to turn this into a weight loss challenge thanks to a trainer at boxing names Tom and an e-mail from Christa , she recommended I use this site to try to set a goal , not like any of you need to shed any but the site is , I guess we`ll where this challenge leads us ,I mean who would of thunk I would become an intructor , I hope everyone will experience some sort of change by the end of this challenge. JAI

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Day 5 : the fantastic mr fox

Well after my hecktic day yesterday instead of having a good nights rest ,I decided to go to limelite with a couple of friends, good news is I didn`t even drink a sip of alc , bad news I was out til 3:30am, so I didn`t wake up for mourning class as planned but I ended up doing the 4pm class and joined some of my fellow teamates for flow 2 upstairs(sorry that I made you guys wait an extra minute for me) , So now I am officially caught up !!! Spent the rest of the evening going to the gym (where a girl recognized me as her yoga intructor on sunday ,yay!) and then watching the fantastic Mr. Fox , I plan to sleep soon so I can make it to 6 am boxing :) keep up the good work y`all

Day 4

I woke up rather early and decided to do the 9 30am class , it was led by our cheerleader clancy and she dedicated the fire abs part of the workout to me, after that I did a noon workout class at pan am boxing and used the money i made at Blush to pay for half my year membership, after that I went to the gym and decided to work out muscles that don`t really get worked out (traps and obliques mostly) and I was off to work. Work ended at about 7 15 and I was abled to make to hot flow taught by once again The Clancy! still behing but I shall catch up soon and we`ll all make sure we celebrate right once we reach 100, Woo Woo Woo you know it!

Day 3: Teaching 3 Moksha classes in a row

This was my first Moksha triple and the fifth time I taugh a non community class , I felt that the classes went really well and I`m really coming into my own as a yoga intructor . It`s a great feeling to know that you just made someone else `s day that much brighter , I also decided to rap for the first time in class( pretty good for vinyasa flow series) but yeah I usually don`t rap . So after teaching the third class I felt very fatigue since you can`t really eat much before teaching a yoga class ,so after number 3 I called it a day and ended up crashing pretty early in the night.

Day 2

So still feeling tired from working new years eve , I ended up waking at noon rather then my planned 930 am and I had to work at 5, it came to a decision to if I would go to the final yoga class of the day or the gym and I opted to work out via shapes. I am very determain to make this goal with you guys and I see myself doubleing up quite a bit. Go team!

Day 1:

Well , well after working at Blush Ultra club til 6am and then going out for some solid Mcky d`s after wards , I someone had to try to make myself go to class despite waking up to the surroundings around me and only get a weak 3 and half hours of sleep. I did do class and brought a co worker with me and both had lots of fun especially since Keith can really sing well and he chose a great variety of music. I was a little bit worried at first since I only saw one fellow challenger but then I read that a solid 4 ended up going to Waverley :). This is a positive start , Chapter 1 to a new beginning (cheezy title to the Moffast debut album... why do i know that)