Monday, April 26, 2010

Never gonna see me cry the last goodbye

Well .. well I have been putting off that last post but here we go , before the 100 day challenge I was in a pretty down spot, after getting back from teacher training a put on a significant amount of weight and I had been gaining while I was working 60 hours weeks and stress plus the late night eating and huge amount of sleep deprevation = weight gain.Well just wanted to break down the main things that have changed over the past 100 days ,in the beginning I was rather fearful about being an intstructor and was wondering if I would ever make it into a job , i think at this time I taught 9 classes by this time, in January alone I was able to smash that amount and had really found my groove in teaching and it has become very comfortable teaching and it is always a challenge because you must teach differently depending on who is attending the class , for 6 am `s the majority of the people already know what to do so only small minor details are needed .

The whole job situation has changed a huge deal , I did drop my over night job before I left for Vegas and finally dropped my job at Safeway which had me unhappy for quite some time, coincidently I was rewarded with more classes then I could have imagined, the real decision of why I did quit safeway honestly came down to the money or happiness question and sure I would be saying goodbye to benefits and the fact because I was there for so long the raises came fairly fast and the amount kept going up , but there was very little mutual respect involved , in the end..... best decision I had made!

Putting yourself first is probably the number 1 thing I have learned from Biggest loser , but since qutting safeway I have had time to actually getting quality work outs in and room to take power naps in between to help me reach my full potential for work outs. Anyways crew this is only the beginning I am about to leave for Laos/Thailand and I plan to take advantage of healthier and non greasy food (the luxury of not having so many fast food places) and thanks to Jessica I will have P90x with me on my trip, I plan to really kick it into a second gear when I get back. Anyways thank you to all who have supported me through my journey, I will be starting a new blog shortly.

"with the realization of one`s potential and self confidence in one`s ability, one can build a better world"

1 comment:

  1. See you LATA' GATA'. Have a blast in Laos and remember, Fight Club members KICK ASS - be it ala P90x or ala Pan Am!
    We've got your "numbers" my friend - when you come back, I fully expect you to be "less" of a man than you are now! ;)
