Thursday, April 8, 2010

Day 98: Now it`s time to shine, put it all on the line! Gonna take what`s mine!

Major teaching today starting off with a group of 8 freshly turned 18 year olds lineing up to get into my 6am class,pretty packed for a 6am but overall great atmosphere there`s even someone who bought a five class place and looks to see when I am teaching , I guess she will need a bigger pass:). I went to the gym afterwards and then went home to take a quick nap and then head to boxing the original intention was to do sleep til 11 30 but turned into sleeping in til 3, perfectly ok I had tons of energy to teach the 4 pm class which many of my good friends so we went with the intention of not taking life to seriously forget about your work day and have fun, also note that we had a solid big man roster in attendance , Matt who is 6`4 280, Eric 6`1 300 and Joe! plus me added as YO TEACH! then we got a new rise in all different types of people attending yoga.

The rest of the night after one of my best classes went like this , went on to do hot flow with Ryann where I was sweating extreme bullets here next up was teaching a 90 minute moksha which had a pretty low turn out but it left room for more hip opening since we had more room to work with and then closed off the 9 pm with a nearly sell out crowd pretty the class with some intense work , no real deep back backs and room for deeper stretching to prepare for bed, Simply Flawless

The shout out goes out to Phil and Ry, my very first encounter with Ry was March 26 2008 and actually super surpise she let me film inside class, that was actually so wicked of her considering I could of been just one of those people who simply comes to the studio for the one week intro and is never heard from again, good thing that this wasn`t the case. My first encounter with Phil was about a week and half later and word had already spread about my film ,I was thinking who is this guy and then I am like ohhh Ry`s husband and he just recently got back from T.O I believe. With strong encouragement from both I continued with my yoga practice and less than a month in I was informed that I would be member of the month, I ve decided to include that profile in here and it`s really intresting to see how the studip has changed since

hmmm rule 3 for 30 day challenge
3) Please limit yourself to 2 classes per day as a maximum. Too much of a good thing is no longer a good thing as our bodies need rest!
I like to call this one the Marc rule, though at times I am sure I had caused them concerns for my health and wellness they have always stuck by me and I remember 3 months in Ryann asked if I was thinking about doing a teacher training , I thought she was nuts and that at time hot yoga was all about physical practice and making my arms look nice but as my practice grew, yoga has allowed me to stay connected with life and I am glad to have such great people I consider family being such a big part and influence on my life. In February Phil said "hey marc you`ve been teaching lots lately , pretty soon you won`t need that safeway job" I honestly that wouldn`t happen for awhile but it eventually did about a month ago and life had been pretty smooth sailing since, this has allowed more time for me to put myself first with work outs which have been awesome since I am no longer around a high stresses environment, with the big change in employment,I am almost that much closer to reaching my fitness goal I set out to set 2 years ago(except this time i don`t plan to drop all the weight in 2 months), there is no way I wouldn`t have made it as far as I did without these 2 , I will continue succeed and make my moksha community proud because the last I would want to is dissapoint.

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