Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Day 95:Hurts so good

The easter monday started off great with a 6am class with a pretty big turn and plenty of non regulars attending and I got to leave really happily , feels nice to feel appreciated and respected at a job :), I had the intention of going to boxing at noon but instead I watched the alvin and the chipmunks with the intention of hitting boxing and the gym after 4 pm moksha with Ryann, class was awesome! with Ryann pulling some marc and decided to do Eagle pose twice! I d prefer pravrita uttkatasana . After the class I had a couple of friends unexspectely show up to the studio I was super happy to see them but a little dissapointed I was not the one scheduled to teach their class , after I said my goodbyes and see you laters , I got asked to teach 5:30 which I gladly accepted so everything ended up working out well except for the fact I didnt end up goin to the gym and boxing for 3 straight days.. man that easter bunny will get his.

Special shout out goes to Monica Dominguez she has always been a supporter of me ever since I started at Moksha, she was of the first people to come up to me and express how impressed she was with my dedication to practice and overall fitness changes. She really had her hopes set that we would both do the Toronto teacher training together which would of been really cool but it all worked out in the end :) , I keep hearing from other people that Monica always says positives things about me (when Mirna was in the 30 day challenge she told Monica that she was the next Marc)and she made sure to make it to my first class which gave me a great boost of confidence going into teaching , always someone i can feel free to talk to about anything and I`m sure the same goes both ways. Always sending outs words of encouragement she said my video motivated her to run a marathon which is something i have left to do on my to do list... one day , the only unfortunate thing is now with two studios I barely get to see her but it`s all good I got to spend a solid 3 hours catching up with her at Mirna`s baby shower which made that seem nothing but good despite canada`s men hockey team losing to the U.S. So i thank you Monica super great to see you take my class the other day,stick with being you.

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