Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Day 97: I hear voices in my head , they come to me they understand, they talk to me

Well.. well a very awesome start to 6am , with a nice packed class for Moksha flow , not one negative comment recieved , the only real negative thing is attachments to receiving complements because I know one day I will have someone dislike my class and we were taught at training to practice non attachment, because things do indeed change.I ate a little bit of chicken that could of possibly been left out the fridge a bit too long , decided to take a power nap before going to boxing... well I woke up and felt dizzy and was really debating whether to go , well I did and totally got my a$$ kicked by Sue.I did feel great after and took a little break at home watching the classic steven seagal film Under Seige,went to the gym for a bit and took a wicked class from Ali, the unfortunate thing is my sickness from the chicken started kicking in and I felt super dizzy, well i made through class and oh Look who`s teaching the 90 minute right after , well I did something I usually don`t and I took and ibuprofene , when it finally kicked 20 minutes later I felt like teaching and really brought in some crazy positive energy towards the class ,especially since it was Kam`s bday.

The shout out today goes to the self proclaimed Queen of Mean Lisa Mackenzie , extreme . intense and type A! This one has always been a supporter of the Marc blog , even ended up making an account just so she could comment on my blogs , with an account she has began her own blog on be the change. A very important part of my guide to fitness our very first encounter was her telling me and my friend how to punch and my friend had since feared her and has never returned to pan am since. An extreme Jillian Michaels indeed I wonder who the poor person will be that gets paired up with her for fight club haha kidding but seriously, she made it out to my very first class and when she had doubts about moksha , I delivered a great class on a music sunday that got her loving it again , it`s unfortunate I can`t take her class anymore but she still points out when ever i am late when it comes to noon boxing class , I for sure would of made it as far without this intense boxing trainer , i hope to take this with me ,with my month disadvantage at fight club , BRING IT

1 comment:

  1. Marc, you rock my world and I will always be "in your corner".
    PS - when you go to Thailand in MAY you best either a) continue to blog or b) stay on Facebook so I can virtually give you a 5 foot 3, 115lb Fight Club poke of encouragement (or kick in the ass, whichever is needed most!)
