Friday, April 2, 2010

Day 91: Introducing of the top 10

Well there have been lots of people who have helped me along the way so I will be making shout out to people/groups (in no particular order) who have added that extra push along the way or have just simply said something to really keep me motivated with my yoga practice , teaching and overall lifestyle. So first off I will describe the work out day itself and then for the final make my shout out, thank you for the people who have been following my blog, good karma is coming your way I guarentee it.

Starting off this mourning waking up at 5 am to open the yoga studio , had an overwelming response with 30 people coming to a 6 am class, had lots of fun and it was a perfect way to start off the day, after a solid routine power nap went on to an intense power nap , I got to go to my now consistent noon boxing class, took a little break by watching the coen brothers film a serious man and then did Clancys hot flow class that brought some fun for sure and then I went on to teach the last two classes of the night. Made my announcement to my friends that I will be joining the pan am boxing fight club, which is kind of like a heathier version of biggest loser and I plan to win this with a disadvantage having to do the first month on my own , without a mentor and without the group training session . All I got to say is

Special shout out to James Buduhan since day 50 or so he has been going to classes I have been attending , we often pair up and he pushes me and shows me some of the technical aspect due to his kickboxing pass.he also shows up more late then I do which makes me looks good and he spreaded the good word of marc hanumanasana via implanting a message in the girl`s changing when he was working on the sink"if you cough in front of marc , he owes you a hanumanasana" and apperently it was all him and Nena had nothing to do with it. Just yesterday dude went so intense on the bag it felt completly off and he recently offered to sponsor four people to come to my next karma class, Dude is gonna make a great father soon , hope he still stays with pan am when that happens , maybe even sign up for fight club for some added competition(you reading this James) competition will bring out the best in everyone especially with people you have strong bongs with.

1 comment:

  1. I'm always amazed at how James can show up so late yet get his sweat on so fast! I swear he wears long underwear or something LOL.
    Almost there Marc! Just a few more days to go!
