Friday, April 9, 2010

Day 99: The Excelence of exsecution

Awesome start to my day ,I got to see Tom at Pan am and he really pushed me on stairs during this work out. Got to have a wicked nap after and then got a call from Ryann asking if I wanted to teach 90 minute hot flow , very excited I was considered to fill in which now brings day 100 to me teaching 5 classes in one day which will break my old record.Spent the rest of the day enjoying a good relaxing time and went on to do class with Sherri and taught the last 2 karma classes tonight, it was very fun and I ran into someone who had a crush on me in grade 5 , how random! and that was not a typo!The only little sour note I had is that I seem to have an annoying pain in my right shoulder which is more annoying then painful so I didn`t go to the gym today , we shall see if this is just a minor set back.

Special shout out go to the one and only Bunny, Christa Van Walleghem , one of my biggest supporters since I started going to Moksha , always carryimg a giant smile and had always been there to encourage me when it comes to setting fitness goals. Part of the reason why I actually started blogging was because of her , she sent me the site that would help me be more aware of my work outs and eating, I couldnt really stick to the but I would recommend it. When I did havet doubts about my working out she sent me a message that kept me motivated

Christa Van Walleghem February 12 at 9:32am: hey sweet pea! How is life? How is your challenge going? Send me the link to your blog! I would love to read it. My challenge is going well thus far! yay. I had a CRAZY dream 2 night's ago that we were at Boxing together - we were partners doing drills, but we were in SUCH AMAZING shape!!! It was like we reached all of our goals. We looked insanely hot! I was like DAMN YES! This is a dream , and it is going to happen! heheh
Have a great weekend!
I plan to remember this message and keep up with my workouts when I am gone to Laos/Thailand and hopefully we will work out together when I come back , you shall be the final piece of the puzzle that helps me win fight club, always be you and don`t ever change.

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