Saturday, April 3, 2010

Day 92: Yoga circus

Very welcoming goooood Friday , there was no boxing this mourning so I just slept in and woke up just in time to take to take Ryann`s moksha flow class , still kind of weird to see her around the Donald studio but it `s always a burst of positive energy when she is around and perfect person to observe teaching especially with so many new people in the class.It was very joyful and I manage to be the last one in savasana and didn`t even come close to falling asleep but had the song Hurt so good stuck in my head.

After a breif rest I got to teach my 2nd Moksha triple , the first class filled with very colorful and familiar characters Judy, Monica and Katya,Jamie and Jordan and had two former security buddies in there from when I had my breif stint and Blush and a former employee at safeway who brought along his wife and mother in law along for the ride, fun times indeed!The karma classes were smaller then usual but full of colorful characters like the moaners, breathers and no matter how many times you say feet together , person still doesnt follow, overall it was fun and the classes ended on a positive note.

The special shout out goes to Jill Einarson, my first encounter with Jill is when she wanted to switch energy exchange shifts for an entire loop because she had a course where her shift was in the way , we switched and have been friends since , right before she left for teacher training in India she was the first one to tell me that one day I`ll make a great intructor , I took that to heart and that rest we can say is now history, she was there to greet me when I got back from Vegas and when I had my doubts about teaching she`s was there to give me that pick me up and it was extremly rare to not see her light up that smile that just becomes so contagious , the only time she ever dislike something I said was when I told her when she guides the class through savasana it sounds like she is reading a children`s story book! and right before she left Moksha she made sure to take one of my Moksha classes even though she had to study and was teaching two hours later, so much more I can say about such a great person.Thanks Jill

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