Monday, April 12, 2010

Day 100: Reaching the Century Mark!

Extreme final day of teaching on day 100, teaching 4 classes and the first day for the 100 day challengers, lots of positivity and lots of new faces , after a trip to the gym and the opening ceremony I was set to teach the hardest class of the week in terms of cardio and heat... the 90 minute hot flow. Class started off with some gentle stretching just to get the body adjusted to the heat and then it was ready to roll , started off the class with something very similar to javamukti and then we went on to do some loundges and lots.. lots of chattarungas before the second water break I challenged the class to take a three minute mediatation before getting started up again , started doing the option of one legged and people just started getting really tired so we did a little bit of dragon flow in the hot room to ease the tension. I had turned off the heat for a bit and turned on fresh air people were still down and there was still a good 30 minutes left, so I told everyone to take savasana and only at that moment I gave permission to go grab water if they would some ... 75% of the classes bolted and sure took their time getting back, the reminder of the class we just took advantage of the hard work we had done and just kept on the floor, it was really fun , I wonder what the future of 90 minute hot flow will hold, I would love to teach it again despite the heat and did receive lots of positive feedback. For the class at Donald I got to help out my good buddy Erica get over a not so great day , then came the celebration of us catching up of whats going on and lots of junk eating.... gooood times , finish off the night doing poses in the hot room and taking pics , what a rush!

The final shout out goes to the entire 100 day challenge crew, so just to make sure I don`t end up writing a novel , I will describe my relationship with the fellow member and then state current friendship or just something I ve learned about them that I did not know before hand.
In alphabetical order

Amelia: First saw her around the studio during the 30 day challenge and then later saw her on the printed out schedule doing her dancer`s pose at this point the only time we had really talked is when she came to my first yoga class and then we saw little of each other once the waverley studio opened.

Blythe: First thing I remember about my first encounter with Blythe was that I super shocked to hear how old her kid was, I thought she was my age (so congrats on the fountain of youth thing), our only other encounter was me serving her at safeway.

Carolyn: I don`t think even think we could be considered acquaintances at this point.

Colette: Already a good friend to me via Moksha and always one to have concern if I spend to much time in the hot room :)

Ella : Very little encounters while we energy excahngers

Erica : Super cool girl I met her on her first day in training saying hello Erica and Paula asked if we had already met , I said nope I just read the calendar :) ,we started talking more once we learned we had a mutual love for the o.c

Jessica: Very little talk prior to me leaving before Vegas and started sharing some decent laughs before the challenge begun, very cool how this is all started based on her facebook status

Joy: I only knew her as Emily`s babysitter , I don`t think we had spoken a word to each before the challenge.

Kendra: Another one of the friends that is part of the Colette circle that I did not know of prior to the challenge.

Kelly: Always full of energy ,I cannot picture this girl ever being mad

Lane:only talked to her moderately while she was an energy exchanger and was actually suprised to see she had returned to be apart of the studio

Lisa:Actually never spoke a word to each other , just awkward stair downs , yeah you know it Lisa!

Melanie:Was inspired that I joined this group of 100 day challengers that she invited herself in , at this point none of us knew who she was

Melissa: My first encounter with Miss Thang was in grade 9, would see each other randomly every 2 and half years or so and then started talking once this challenge has started

Mika:First encounter was when she was working a karma , we have casually talked since and have always enjoyed good laughs around the studio

Myriam: Super fun person to be around when we had energy exchange shifts on the same day , she was very happy when I finally was able to tie up the extension cord

Paula: First kind of started talking to her at pro aggresive fitness when we had a free week a boot camp during the 30 day challenge.

Sally: First met her through Colette, did not really know who she was prior to the challenge

During challenge

Amelia:Started becoming a regular attendee of my class and found out awesome that during the last stretch of the challenge I would see her everyday via both studios and also really really cool she got engage during challenge time.

Blythe: starting coming to many of my early mourning classes , always the second one out of savasana so she can rush to work , always great to have her there

Carolyn: I always have a good laugh with this girl around and she ended up becoming and energy exchanger , during the challenge so how cool is that! now I see her during the mournings after I teach

Colette:Just became that much closer with this friend always great to have her around ,I just don`t get to see her around the studio as much as I use to.

Ella: Very fun person to be around and I got to meet her baby... TWICE! Glad I got to talk to her more during this challenge

Erica: Had a not so great day final day of the challenge and then she took my class and told me she felt great , felt awesome to help a good friend

Jessica: Probably the person who has gone through the most change , very excited she got accepted into teacher training, prepare for tears my friend

Joy: Started talking to her around day 70 and beyond when she started regularly attending 6 am `s

Kendra: Very fun to be around and enjoy good laughs when she attended the 80s class

Kelly: Always see this girl upstairs either as an energy exchanger or doing ashtanga

Lane: I always see this one at least twice a week and is one of the few who is actually younger than me , Very awesome that she got her family involved in coming and overall a great person

Lisa: Probably I ve grown closest with when you consider the very first starting point , I think for classes attended with a fellow member she probably leads the way and very cool how she love the straight edge!... but not really

Melanie: Very cool how she was willing to donate an entire work of pay to the power of movement funraiser, a very hard worker and I still can`t believe she had four kids

Melissa: We talk wayyy more now compared to the grade 9 days , no more awkwards stare downs of hmmm i think I know this person... do they remember me? She pulled super brave to make her very first hot flow class my 90 minute

Mika: not to play favorite but probably the funnest person to work with at the desk , it seems nearly impossible that she lets stress get to her , plus it s always an opportunity to talk about her twin sister

Myriam: I do hope I see her around again

Paula: We now work out at the same gym and she always up for a good chat whenever were both at Donald.

Sally: I thought it was pretty funny at the beginning of the challenge she had fear of being fired as an energy exchanger

Final reflection will come soon , thanks for everyone who`s been reading my blog , but this is just the beginning!

1 comment:

  1. Loved your class sure did help me feel better :-) I remember our first encounter too!
