Monday, March 29, 2010

day 84-88 Blogging to you from Regina

Day 84 : Another very active day for me , kept my triple threat streak still alive and strong , the triple threat is when I am able to perform at high levels when I go to the gym , boxing and yoga in the same day. This went really well for me and I taught two classes as well , I got to take Adrienne `s class for the first time and enjoyed her twists in moksha flow class

Day 85: Today marks my 2nd year anniversary and Moksha yoga winnipeg , my very first class was with Ryann on Wednesday and it for a 9 pm hatha class , I was with two friends Britney and Laura and Paul was working the desk , I also bought a lock and just felt amazing after the class , at this time I was certain I would return but I couldn`t of ever imagin it would be consistanly for two years. I got to celebrate this day by teaching my first 4 class day by the last class I felt like that was where I had the most energy for some reason , this was an overall great day despite me opting not to do my own yoga practice, go to the gym or boxing.

Day 86 : The horse got carried into extreme by me waking up early on Saturday and go to join the fellow pan am boxers in an intense class , also got some in ring work accomplished with an intructor(lisa who is the dude that always wear the backwards hat) and went on to do some yoga right after , it was very different to see Ryann at Donald on a Saturdya but I was super happy she was there teaching the class , afterwards I went to take a nap which set me up for a huge leg workout where I was trying to make it my goal to work them out so hard I would no really be able to use them the next couple days, reason being, see day 87 and 88

Day 87:woke up at 6 am to start driving to Regina , the drive was a little tough due to my lack of sleep but overall it went well , later on I got to see a few friends and make a new one , spent some time with the buddies that shared memories of Bryan and then I finish off on a positive note watching South park

Day 88: blogging right now, a couple hours away from the funeral , I won`t be back in winnipeg til later tonight so no practice , gym or yoga , back to kicking it in high gear Tuesday

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