Thursday, March 25, 2010

Day 81-83 R.I.P Bryan Khan March 13 1977-March 24 2010

Day 81 Back on the wagon: Taught two classes today and took Robin `s hot flow which got super intense and then i did the hatha which for some reason seemed even hotter , I don`t remember the last time I `ve seen so many go down in Hatha class , it was quite fun and entertaining though , I did also do boxing and an arm work out so overall very productive work out day after my weekend of bad eating. Ended the night off watching new moon with my 4 male friends.... yup

Day 82 Waking up 6 hours later,same results : Woke up at 11:20 am then went to boxing , had a little break and went to the gym , the workout went a little longer then expected and I had to miss flow 2 which was fine , i just went to Robin`s hot flow instead which was indeed very challenging and consecutive days of holding 9 poses for 1008 seconds , very good times and I kind of wish I did not do a crazy leg workout before hand. Finish off this night watch Alice in Wonderland 3D with the same 4 male friends...yup

Day 83: It has been a very good week in terms of working out feeling great, first I started off by teaching the mourning class at waverley where I exsperience someone having an emotional release while I gave the adjustment , I felt totally awesome afterwards because she went to thank me right away and said it was exactly what she needed due to added on stress within the last couple of weeks , feels great to know I was able to really impact someone and make a difference , taking this positive energy and excitment I headed to the gym immediately and did a very productive shoulder work out. Taught a wicked class at 5:30 and then did another day of Robin`s class with again another 1008 seconds class , with repetition these classes do get easier :) , unfortunetly not all was well by the end of the night , I received a call from my brother that a good friend of family`s had passed away , he had recently suffered a heart attack and was doing fine afterwards or he at least gave the implacation he was doing ok but last night due to after effects he was found dead his home by his mom at 4pm last night , it was just a real shock considering he was only 33.

Remembering Brian , my first memories of the guy was that he was always known as the party animal and was always full of nice , always being known for wild stories and he would always complement my mom`s cooking and his attempts to speak laotion are some of the funniest things I can remember, I always remember hearing story where he snuck upstairs during a house party and raided the refridgerator and started eating spagetti with his hands , he ended up waking the girl`s dad and caught him red handed , when he was caught he simply ran.When he graduated from high school he shocked everyone and then shocked even more people when he became the first person out of brother`s crew to attend university , he completed what he needed to do and impressed everyone when he achieved his goal of going from mall security guard to his permanent career job of being a parole officer. Brian was always filled with quirky facts about mike tyson ,wrestling and other male macho things,The last time we chatted he mentioned I was a stud and the he would like to incorparate yoga in his life, he was a great friend and I will always look at him as an older brother , he will be missed by many and will never be forgotten.

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