Sunday, March 7, 2010

Day 63,64,65, : Wild and young!

Day 63 : Started off with Lisa`s boxing class and making my final appearance there in awhile(late as usual) but still a good solid 55 minutes of hard work, went on to teach a moksha flow practically to all $40 intro students , good times! went on to work out and then did some flow 2 including some very intresting yoga trance dance and requested by moi! if you don`t know what yoga trance dance is here`s a link, after that a few of us went out for drinks and chatted for 3 hours

Day 64: Did some boxing and then went to work , had to skip the work out due to having to go to mpi to get my bumper checked , things went by smoothly and then watch 2012 and then went on to watch a wrestling show , got to take some photos with one of my favorite wrestler when I was younger including Japanease sensation Tajiri , amoung other Larry Zbysko,Daivari, Kashida, kevin thorn and the most hated man in reality television Johnny Fairplay also ended up hitting 3 bars and stayed sober woot woot

Day 65: After my night of play I woke up super late and felt pretty crumby , I guess I over slept ,nothing like a hot yoga class in silence to bring me back up to speed , followed by a staff meeting that went fairly well with some fruit to keep intructors happy, second karma class will be added to waverley! later took a bit of a rest and then went to hip hope yoga wearing a very heavy and very hot valour suit , Kept it on for a good hour before it just got to freakin hot and then ended off my night falling a asleep to a japanease horror film called audition where the only thing I remember is a woman cutting a guy`s foot off with a violin string, good times!

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