Monday, March 1, 2010

Day 57 , 58 , 59 John Hughes movies isn`t just movies about teenagers , it about the struggle to find oneself

Day 57 : Well Friday started off with some some boxing so good kick to the system , and then the rest of the day I got to rest up fairly nice until i got to moksha 2 then i taught two classes afterwards , I had one girl just overly tell me how much she loved the class and how she felt calm and relaxed and then was saying how she would bring her friends and then Im just like yeah definitely from high school.

Day 58: Was stuck working 8 hours and the cashier position and then I was ready to rock things out via 80s karma night , when my friend saw my outfit , he was like dude? that`s like underwear , but my boi Stephane was pulling the underwear with his risky business get up and then through the 80s class i went through shirt changes representing Ninja turtles , Wham , Run DMC and the breakfast club, overall it the class was extreme fun and felt like the laughs were coming at a rapid pace that it seemed like the class was 5 minutes.

Day 59: Well didn`t really get enough sleep on account that I was out til 4 am the night before but i still was pumped full of energy teaching my 1:30 class that turned out to be all female due to the hockey game and then i got to teach a the music which also had a slightly higher turnout , Jaclyn was great as always and i made it time to watch highlights and the olympics ceremony

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