Friday, February 26, 2010

Day 56: Skipped boxing to watch Joannie win Bronze

The day started off very early and didn`t feel fatigued at all , had no alarm trouble and was able to teach the 6am class fairly well , afterwards I got to meet the new exchanger and then I went off to try out a boot camp class at shapes , it was quite challenging and then I compliled the the list for the 80s tracks, afterwards I got a solid 3 hour nap and then went on to flow 2 , lots of positivity with the group and lots of wall use , it might of been my best flow 2 yet. Afterwards the initial plan was for me to do a class at Pan am , but I opted to watch the Olympics instead and rest , the decision turned out to be a good one after witnessing Joannie Rochette winning a medal under difficult circumstances and also only being predicted to finish top ten at best , really gave that spec, ial feeling inside , still I felt a little guilty for skipping out on class so I will double Friday , oh man I hear Friday noon is the hardest class

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Day 54 and 55 : TEST THIS!

Day 54: Tuesday I got to have a wicked sleep in , like wow! woke up past my alarm and it was 11:51am , pretty nutty i ust had the whole lazy sluggish feeling all day so i kind of just watched one tree hill and some olympics but by 2:30pm I finally got up and started to do a crazy chest work out so crazy that one down ward dog caused my right bicep to cramp up during class , but this day went really considering I got to know my fellow flow twoers , I mean it was like really ? you have kids? or really your husband is that similar to me? k what you got kicked out of a bar??? for what for what? so yeah it`s quite nice to know the people outside the studio!

Day 55; I got to get my first mourning boxing class today , it was nice to join Tom and the crew for some nice hard work and shoulder fatigue , ahhh yes good times! I decided to work out legs on this day because Thursday I won`t be running any stairs and then i later after the hard work i hit up value village in hopes to find something for 80s class , I m very excited to lead this i think things will go well overall , after teaching I did Robins Hot flow which again gave me instant yoga high and then when i got home I was able to watch Canada win in Womens bobsled and then finished off the night with a very under rated movie in Extract! Very funny stuff

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Day 52 &53:Nervous much

Day 52: Well it was a day of firsts , I got to teach the mourning double at Waverley for the first time , to my suprise there was a pack crowd for mourning class with 47 people attending,it went really and I got to teach an entirely different crowd then I am use to. Later that day I got an even bigger suprise when I saw Ryann arrive with her mom and they were both coming to take only my second moksha flow class, all went well though and I got to spend the rest of my day relaxing at Mirna`s baby shower and getting some good catch up time with fellow instructor Monica.

Day 53: Well today I got to teach my first 6 am class and had to work the desk , Little nervous but through it well except for the fact I was not quick enough to put in the alarm code , will be a mistake that will not happen again , the class itself went really well and then I got to do some boxing after, took a really big nap afterwards and then did a hot flow class that made us hold spinx for 3 minutes, fun times! change is good , later did a great shoulder work out after taking 3 days off from that and watched the critically acclaimed Wes Anderson film Bottle Rocket which had all three Wilson brothers , yup Luke and Andrew an A list power couple.... what a third wilson brother? haha yeah i know there`s an Andrew Wilson who is not really known but did have a big role recently as the coach in the movie Whip it , alright so this the only night I get to sleep in , thanks for reading g night

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Day 51 :Sooo GAGA

Well I got some must needed rest and woke up so late that I was unable to head to the gym, no worries I work extra for Karma gaga which was led by the returning Clancy , kind of suprised she wasnt darker. later on I celebrated with some of 100 day challengers and then we played wii yoga which rated us really bad at yoga , is this challenge worth it? haha only kidding , doing yoga with friends = good times! and teaching it too!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Day 49 and 50 The end of an era and the beginning

Well Thursday mourning was my last day for Lisa`s mourning boxing class , so it was so long to my version of Jillian Michaels and Im gonna need to let the extra push come from within, later on gathered up the energy to teach at 4 pm and and then took Nena `s flow which caused her to hit my foot , talk about sleep deprivation!
Day 50:The following still woke up very early in the mourning to take the boxing class and then had to go to work which kind of triggers an automatic stress factor for me but I got recognized by 3 people that I teach at Moksha so that was pretty nice , after that instead of the doing the usual moksha 2 I decided to take Jill`s final hot flow class and last class she was teaching at Moksha , she will be very missed and I will miss her positivity and energy around the studio. after class I stayed for hatha and so did she and the class was filled with lots of recognizible faces which always adds in positive energy in the room ,I believe I ended up falling asleep in this class as well, man i need sleep , so instead of goign straight home I hung out with the mickster(craig ) and after that we went to a pub to watch a friend`s band play which went really well and they played a wicked show(shoutout to The Scarlett for playing a great show) but yeah sooo tired I fell asleep at a pub. Anyways the a new era is beginning ,I am teaching more then I could of ever dreamed avg a little more then a class a day and teaching moksha flows and 6 am `s , I `m looking to not dissapoint the people that got me there!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Day 48 : This week all of Robin`s classes end in splits

No complaints here , I friken love SPLITS but whoever is reading this already knows that, so 5 hours in the hot room last night but 4 of those hours were simply teaching and didn`t feel drained so I was glad to get a class in. Boxing is still going well and I`m actually feeling pretty good about the lifestyle I am living right now, hmmm I see change coming though but not anytime soon

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Day 47: Felt great and skipped boxing

Well , well waking up was not fun after the night at republic and couldn`t wake up in time for noon class so I watch an episode was one tree hill , it talked about not waiting around because you never know was tomorrow might bring you , obviously they were talking about love so I headed to the gym and had a wicked shoulder work out , then had to teach which went really well , it seems like the heat was pretty normal and I was complemented many times for my class , afterwards I did Robin`s hot flow where every class she teaches this week ends in hanumanasana , talk about a sign of me to start doing doubles! So if I decide to do her class tonight that would be 5 hours in the hot room.... tick tock tock

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Day 46: Fells like I have fallen off the horse... guess it`s time to get back on !

I truly feel that I have fallen off after missing two class days in a row , added with an all you can eat rib night and partying to Pauly D til 2am , yup yup now I have woken up all tired and not really wanting to do much of anything , But I guess I laid this all there to do something about it and since the other work place only wants me to book me saturdays even though I book them off , I have plenty of free time to get back on track , doubles here I come!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Friday, February 12, 2010

Day 43: Christa revitilizes me once again

Well the normal day for Marc , Boxing , work and then got to do a level 2 with philly d that went really well , also it was the very first time I had ever done splits in phil`s class , I guess there`s a first for everything , Happy 35 birthday buddy , I ve had a pretty slow weak but I got the urge to get back on track when my good buddy Christa sent me a message saying that she had a dream that both of us were at boxing together , looking as great as ever, we`ll bunny we will make this dream a reality!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Day 42: Got news I `ll be teaching 6 am classes ,

Wwell I was very happy with this news since 6 am is a great time slot for me to teach since I am usually up by that time anyways , that being said it is a little sad I will be away for my mourning boxing crew and I really hope i still make time to try to make it to pan as much as I currently do in order to reach my goals. Workout wise got a great boxing work out in and a chest work out at the gym added with a little bit of meditation after a class well taught and then organizing ways to raise with my fellow power of movement teamates , great day overall

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Day 41: First eating something from Stellas

typical mourning with some intense boxing and then watching an episode of biggest loser and taking a less than hour nap before a leg work out at shapes. I was very excited to be teaching my first 1:30 karma and was suprised by Jill who had never taken my class before , it seemed very nice to have her positive energy in the room, after the class she went to stella`s to pick me up a garden burger while I taugh the 4 pm, the clock is ticking til she moves on but she says she will stil be practicing at the studio from time to time which is awesome news , finally this blog is on track , hope everyone else is doing well , I`m ending the night watching a movie with my good friends

Day 40: What is love? Baby don`t hurt me

Well , well no boxing this mourning and I was planning to sleep in but I got woken up by my good buddy Jill to teach a noon class and I did , afterwards i did a body talk session and felt great then went on to teach the 4 pm class then take Robin`s hot flow , the reason why I mention it is because robin asked for definitons on the word love two days in a row , I`m sure many people have their own version of how to explain it! I just relax for the rest of the night watching the film surrigates which wasn`t great but provides a good lesson!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Day 39: Quite a trend work out then do a favor for your brother`s girlfriend

Almost didn`t go to boxing in the mourning because I slept super late , but I was up late watching biggest loser so at the less second I decided to go to boxing , I arrived a little late and had to catch up on running stairs(stairs is actually the toughest part for me of the boxing work out) so we ended breaking our mounring record for stairs ran! after a tiring work out I was thinking about going back to sleep but my brother too drunk from last night`s super bowl begged me to drive his girl friend to school which I did , then took a breif 10 minute nap and went to the gym afterwards , after another day of work ,I went to let all the stress out a hot flow , the class was very well worth it as usual.

Later that night just relaxing watching tv almost ready for bed , My brother`s girlfriend got into a car accident and had to get me to drive 20 minutes for me to give her , her liscense without the opposition seeing...indeed very lame stuff!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Day 38: Saints complete cinderella story

Well ,well Sunday started off with some rather intense boxing and let me to teach the sunday community class I had three high school friends show up which was an added bonus to a full class, afterwards I watch a little bit of curling which was rather entertaining and then off to watch the super bowl while eating food an earls i will not disclose haha. I fell asleep shortly after and then woke uparound midnight ,rather then going back to sleep i watched the first episode of the biggest loser then i had yet to watch , very entertaining and emotional stuff and like the saints , people love to root for the underdog!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Day 37: Last day of Clancy for awhile

Well had to wake up early for work and I was up a little later than usualy last night because I went to a social , the good news is I had two girls from high school tell me they can`t wake to take my class on sunday tomorrow because they recently bought intro month pass. The class I did today was a rather intense 90 minute moksha flow with non yoga music , very good times and lots of challenging postures I enjoy , very good to take more of these classes and observing Clancy and Leslee before I start teaching moksha flow on a more consistant basis.I am beat and I think I ll sleep soon in order to make it to boxing in the mourning

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Day 36:So reeking of awesomeness

Great and eventful day started off with some boxing and then work , after that I got to do a moksha level 2 with Ryann and did the class ever kick my butt, suprinsly I did not fall asleep though , afterwards I taught the two Karma classes and really enjoyed my exsperiences tonight , topped it off with going to a social and catching up with a few high school friends and saying goodbye to the girl that took me to my first yoga class

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Day 35: Got my car towed... No biggie

SO went to boxing this mourning and had a great work out but for some reason I decided to park on a different and that street was unavialble to park at during rush hour so I had to walk in the cold after a hard work out to get my car back , after i paid the fine I went to work ou and forgot all about it , also joined my good friends at flow 2 and since Kam brought his chocalat balls all of a sudden our class number doubled... coincidence I think not! The actual practice itself was awesome not gonna lie kind of felt awkward have two girls spotting me while in full wheel but the height I got was amazing. and to close things off probably should be writing this last part but I`m just way too happy right now , I just had like 7 riduculouly very attractive girls that I havnt talked to in awhile ask me when I teach next(one of them I use to have the biggest crush but that was like 2 years ago ) anyways so thers a little personal info for the peeps that still read my blog , much love y`all

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Day 34: You want some Latino Heat?

As you can see not all my titles make sense but since we got 100 days of this I figure i would creative plus it`s the shirt I wore today.... anyways starting off with lots of stairs during boxing , then had my little cry fest via biggest loser and then took a nap, afterwards I felt great and did an intense arm work out and then taught the 5:30 which went by really well , with still some gas left in the tank I decided to take Robin hot flow which was really slow and intense and got my first yoga high in awhile , I went to safeway an hour later and the cashier asked if I had just smoked a joint .. too funny anyways sooo tired and happy right now must be up for boxing tomorrow tho

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Day 33: Lisa and I share .....THE FEAR

Today started off early and then I ended up heading back to sleep around 10 then at noon went to a boxing class , so it was back to back classes without doing stair(wooo) but I am gonna feel it bad tomorrow, afterwards I did a pretty dec chest workout and then came yoga class.... Flow 2 very fun with a 6 returning cast members joined by orginals were unable to join us last week , it was a wicked fun time doing a shivanunda class. The....Fear! came when we were trying to do flying peacock(not 100% that what we were aiming for) and Lisa and I had the initial fear of placing our feet in the air and then behind us , nena helped to get up my feet them and it wasn`t so bad, so then I did the same for Lisa , and we told ot attempt it once more and I was able to get my legs on my own for the first time , which gave me an extreme since of accomplishment , really good day 33!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Day 32: A great day to get kicked in the head

Actually I felt awesome today , I did a fairly good boxing class followed by teaching a moksha 75 , after all the excitement I was able to get in a really great nap and a package got delivered to my house containing shirts I plan to wear while teaching and working out , one of the shirts says "can you stand the heat on the back" so eha great times. Got to do a shoulder work out and when I got to the studio it looks like my friends wern`t doing to well but nothing a yoga class couldn`t fix , great hatha job by Nena while in the process get kicked in the head by sean kingston buddy J.R , overall things went well for me and I hope same goes for tomorrow