Monday, March 29, 2010

day 84-88 Blogging to you from Regina

Day 84 : Another very active day for me , kept my triple threat streak still alive and strong , the triple threat is when I am able to perform at high levels when I go to the gym , boxing and yoga in the same day. This went really well for me and I taught two classes as well , I got to take Adrienne `s class for the first time and enjoyed her twists in moksha flow class

Day 85: Today marks my 2nd year anniversary and Moksha yoga winnipeg , my very first class was with Ryann on Wednesday and it for a 9 pm hatha class , I was with two friends Britney and Laura and Paul was working the desk , I also bought a lock and just felt amazing after the class , at this time I was certain I would return but I couldn`t of ever imagin it would be consistanly for two years. I got to celebrate this day by teaching my first 4 class day by the last class I felt like that was where I had the most energy for some reason , this was an overall great day despite me opting not to do my own yoga practice, go to the gym or boxing.

Day 86 : The horse got carried into extreme by me waking up early on Saturday and go to join the fellow pan am boxers in an intense class , also got some in ring work accomplished with an intructor(lisa who is the dude that always wear the backwards hat) and went on to do some yoga right after , it was very different to see Ryann at Donald on a Saturdya but I was super happy she was there teaching the class , afterwards I went to take a nap which set me up for a huge leg workout where I was trying to make it my goal to work them out so hard I would no really be able to use them the next couple days, reason being, see day 87 and 88

Day 87:woke up at 6 am to start driving to Regina , the drive was a little tough due to my lack of sleep but overall it went well , later on I got to see a few friends and make a new one , spent some time with the buddies that shared memories of Bryan and then I finish off on a positive note watching South park

Day 88: blogging right now, a couple hours away from the funeral , I won`t be back in winnipeg til later tonight so no practice , gym or yoga , back to kicking it in high gear Tuesday

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Day 81-83 R.I.P Bryan Khan March 13 1977-March 24 2010

Day 81 Back on the wagon: Taught two classes today and took Robin `s hot flow which got super intense and then i did the hatha which for some reason seemed even hotter , I don`t remember the last time I `ve seen so many go down in Hatha class , it was quite fun and entertaining though , I did also do boxing and an arm work out so overall very productive work out day after my weekend of bad eating. Ended the night off watching new moon with my 4 male friends.... yup

Day 82 Waking up 6 hours later,same results : Woke up at 11:20 am then went to boxing , had a little break and went to the gym , the workout went a little longer then expected and I had to miss flow 2 which was fine , i just went to Robin`s hot flow instead which was indeed very challenging and consecutive days of holding 9 poses for 1008 seconds , very good times and I kind of wish I did not do a crazy leg workout before hand. Finish off this night watch Alice in Wonderland 3D with the same 4 male friends...yup

Day 83: It has been a very good week in terms of working out feeling great, first I started off by teaching the mourning class at waverley where I exsperience someone having an emotional release while I gave the adjustment , I felt totally awesome afterwards because she went to thank me right away and said it was exactly what she needed due to added on stress within the last couple of weeks , feels great to know I was able to really impact someone and make a difference , taking this positive energy and excitment I headed to the gym immediately and did a very productive shoulder work out. Taught a wicked class at 5:30 and then did another day of Robin`s class with again another 1008 seconds class , with repetition these classes do get easier :) , unfortunetly not all was well by the end of the night , I received a call from my brother that a good friend of family`s had passed away , he had recently suffered a heart attack and was doing fine afterwards or he at least gave the implacation he was doing ok but last night due to after effects he was found dead his home by his mom at 4pm last night , it was just a real shock considering he was only 33.

Remembering Brian , my first memories of the guy was that he was always known as the party animal and was always full of nice , always being known for wild stories and he would always complement my mom`s cooking and his attempts to speak laotion are some of the funniest things I can remember, I always remember hearing story where he snuck upstairs during a house party and raided the refridgerator and started eating spagetti with his hands , he ended up waking the girl`s dad and caught him red handed , when he was caught he simply ran.When he graduated from high school he shocked everyone and then shocked even more people when he became the first person out of brother`s crew to attend university , he completed what he needed to do and impressed everyone when he achieved his goal of going from mall security guard to his permanent career job of being a parole officer. Brian was always filled with quirky facts about mike tyson ,wrestling and other male macho things,The last time we chatted he mentioned I was a stud and the he would like to incorparate yoga in his life, he was a great friend and I will always look at him as an older brother , he will be missed by many and will never be forgotten.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Day 77-80 very unproductive

Day 77 : Well I guess this day could not be included in the theme of being unproductive , I got my boxing , gym and hot yoga class in before having to do the closing shift at Safeway,it was very exciting considering it `s my last week there , on a side note of actual class , It was good times practicing with Lindsay Rayter because I think she pretty much looks identical to Mika so it was overall positive energy in that room!

Day 78: Still got to fit in my 6:45am boxing class before going to work a mourning shift at safeway, afterwards no gym or class just headed to bed and then woke up to head to the waverley studio to teach the Karma class , where i ran into a who`s who of randoms , including two people from shapes, my favourite teacher`s daughter and a guy I work with on a movie 4 years ago , re called many memories including working with Carmen electra and having to film til 6am, ended the night watching some MTV which I`ve never really done with the exception of Jersey Shore

Day 79: Did not really have room for much today except for a thing I like to call work , so got to teach the first two classes which went really well and I think i taught my best moksha flow yet , and then finally got to finish my final day at safeway , soooo happy i finish my last shift I wanted to cry out tears of joy / pull a prank on one of my bodies to show how happy I was I was crying , so i squeezed a lemon in my eyes , only make you cry for about a minute but is very effective, finish the night celebrating with my good buddies just eating cake and watching Glenn Martin DDS.

Day 80: Had two classes to teach today starting at 930 am , for the community class I had 5 friends come to class , two of them left before the standing series and another two friends leave because one had to pick up her son but overall it was to catch up with old friends , just low on energy after teaching i took an early nap and had to end on the night so i could teach the 6am , I will for sure do a class today , i need a good practice in.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Day 75 and 76 held plank the longest out of 44 people

Day 75: The day started off with me sleeping in tIl 1 pm , I guess i was really lacking sleep , well this was for sure very good and was the first day i hadn`t taught a class in a week , so just letting myself have a lazy day, well not exactly the case , went to flow 2 that felt like a hot class , it was pretty funny seeing the girls have make up running expecting the same thing that it would be hot up there, i did some intense boxing afterwards that actually had keeping up with jump squats then finished off the night watching the crazies over alice in wonderland , Im sure i`ll make my way to that one soon.

Day76: Got my boxing on that took sooo much out of me, my works out have just been pretty effective this week but i find i work myself hard that I end up sleeping during the day and then i have trouble sleeping afterwards ,I did do a back work out and headed straight to bed , when i got up it was time to head to the studio to teach in our new heat ,the goal is to try keep everyone in the room but theres always one or two people that go to re-fill their water , looks like everyone else is having the same problem , I guess we need to talk more about the importance of trying to stay in the room , afterwards i did hot flow and we had a plank challenge , whoever could hold plank the longest wins, i was getting pretty tired when it came to the final six also I was very tempted to yell at some people to bring their butts down in plank , in the end in came down to me and Lorna, Robin did not see me still in my plank so she told Lorna to go down , so i would of at least finished top two but we`ll never know who would of stayed up there , anyways i totally lay credit to both pan am and moksha for the reason i was able to last so long , pan am we consistanly hold plank near the end of class and since i taught the class before hand i was a bit lighter!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Day 72 , 73 , 74 Time change

Day 72: Meet up with Mika first thing in the mourning to teach the first two classes at Waverley , as my shift was coming to an end people were leaving in shorts , it looks like spring was here!I decided just nap it up after and then call it an early night... but instead my best friend had a series of random events happen to him that prevented him from working (broken phone, stabbing on bus that never arrived) so we went to cowboys where the only positive thing was i ran into an old friend`s younger sister, nough said, the overall night ended pretty well switching locations and hanging with one of my good friends who I use to always watch flick with

Day 73: Well the time change was not my best friend but had a blast teaching the early mourning class and as I set for community I was put on to teach the music class as well , it was one very long day for me considering all the classes were 90 minutes , overall it was well worth it but still had trouble sleeping in the night.

Day 74: Well taught the first 2 mourning classes at Donald and finished up one of my yoga projects , got a chance to return to boxing and worked up a huge sweat , and then taught an addional 90 min class, I hadnt done my own practice in three days so I decided to take hot flow, which was hot hot indeed! ended the night watching the cove but was drained an fell asleep, and it`s official I gave in my two weeks notice to safeway!

Friday, March 12, 2010

Day 70 and 71 : Setting the goal right now , by the end of this challenge I`m dropping at least 10 pounds

Day 70: Started off with me teaching the 6 am class , lots of a positivity!the energy exchanger did not show up so I hung around the studio and was looking for ideas for teaching my first hot flow class the next day. Afterwards i did an intense leg work out and then unexspectely got asked to teach the a 4:30 moksha , which I did after watching the movie precious , the movie was pretty depressing and a tad overrated but Monique did indeed deserve the Oscar and still worth a viewing, after all that that I decided to do a class in the hot room at Donald which had a Moksha 90 feel hotter then the hot flow from the night before , I kind of felt only me and Shannon Friesen enjoy the heat that high , but we`ll have to see how this holds up , it`s almost like learning again and really challenging yourself kind of like when I first started doing Moksha , this new heat is egnighting my fire!

Day 71:Well I woke up at 6 am and just didn`t have the energy to go to boxing , so I slept! sooooo worth it! and woke up at 11am then went on to do noon boxing class which brought up a huge sweat level(still thinking I was feeling effects from the night before) followed by a chest workout and then teaching my first hot flow filled with very awesome marc supporters , so special shout outs to Melissa, Matt, Shannon and Lorna, afterwards i had to teach the two karma classes tonight which had very intense heat ... GOOOOOOOOOOOD TIMES!gonna sleep so well tonight and then be up bright amd early the two first classes at Waverley ! Also today Mika took a small break and decided to watch the old video I made 2 years ago of when I started first started yoga and decided to drop weight , think the only problem that came with the video was that I drop lots of weight in a short amount of time , so small consistent weight lost to keep it off for good!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Day 67 ,68 and 69 Over my head

Day 67: Well I havn`t blogged since i found out about my friends from high school being involved in a stabbing that occurred at Alive, still comes as a shock , kind of thought about what would of happen if i been there , I usually hang out with these guys when I see them when i`m out so it just kind of runs through the mind ,I decided to not to not do a practice today mainly because time was against me , I taught the 6 am , noon , worked at safeway and had a birthday to go to, which went by swell but i was beyond beat and called it an early night.

Day 68: The Tuesday , mainly the only day of the week I sleep in which I took full advantage of but did not have that full rest feeling , kind of had the whole lazy feeling around , but i took this time to watch some stuff i missed from the oscars , and then went to do an arm workout and went on to do some flow 2 , and got to teach the night double afterwards which went super well filled with familiar faces

Day 69: Finally got some boxing going , and went very intense , so intense punching the bag so hard the girl holding it lost control of the bag and knocked down her glasses , good times! But in all seriousness big work out and then had to work at 9 am , went to the gym then thought the 5:30 which went really well, even had someone i recognized from Bikram trying moksha for the first time woo hoo for intro month! afterwards was an extremly intense hot flow, maybe it was the heat in the room but I down my water bottle and 2 people left and lots of bodies taking breaks , I missed that feeling of a big big challenge, kind of hope it stays this way but we`ll see how the room holds after the renovations.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Day 66: Team Century Mark reaches $1500 in donations

Got back to boxing after my one day break , felt nice a well led class by Kevin with plenty of help around him and for the first sunday in awhile didn`t have to teach , so I got to have a day off from teaching on a sunday so i took my time to do projects for yoga training and then went on to meet with Team century mark for power of movement , which went really , greatly led by philly d and great music from david, after wards eating some yoga snacks and doing the photo shoot really provided a great atmosphere for everyone to just hang out because it`s so rare from so many of us being in one place not discussing business , afterwards I got to catch up with one of my former best friends who i havnt seen in awhile , really felt nice to recall old memories and unfortunately more of us couldnt get together due to a good bunch being involved in a stabbing friday night and so they are currently in jail , hmm some reunion , made me wonder how close i was to reaching the same path , well I guess it`s best i didn`t ... they still my bros though

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Day 63,64,65, : Wild and young!

Day 63 : Started off with Lisa`s boxing class and making my final appearance there in awhile(late as usual) but still a good solid 55 minutes of hard work, went on to teach a moksha flow practically to all $40 intro students , good times! went on to work out and then did some flow 2 including some very intresting yoga trance dance and requested by moi! if you don`t know what yoga trance dance is here`s a link, after that a few of us went out for drinks and chatted for 3 hours

Day 64: Did some boxing and then went to work , had to skip the work out due to having to go to mpi to get my bumper checked , things went by smoothly and then watch 2012 and then went on to watch a wrestling show , got to take some photos with one of my favorite wrestler when I was younger including Japanease sensation Tajiri , amoung other Larry Zbysko,Daivari, Kashida, kevin thorn and the most hated man in reality television Johnny Fairplay also ended up hitting 3 bars and stayed sober woot woot

Day 65: After my night of play I woke up super late and felt pretty crumby , I guess I over slept ,nothing like a hot yoga class in silence to bring me back up to speed , followed by a staff meeting that went fairly well with some fruit to keep intructors happy, second karma class will be added to waverley! later took a bit of a rest and then went to hip hope yoga wearing a very heavy and very hot valour suit , Kept it on for a good hour before it just got to freakin hot and then ended off my night falling a asleep to a japanease horror film called audition where the only thing I remember is a woman cutting a guy`s foot off with a violin string, good times!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Day 62: Pushed by the pilot

Well started off a nice solid mourning with the pilot from boxing(I always forget his name , I`m sure lisa can help me up) push me to the extreme is boxing today , afterwards I had to work and right after I planned to take a 2 hour nap , well that nap ended up being almost 4 hours and I had to rush out in order to get my shoulder work out in ,which I did then went on to do a moksha class led by Sherry, the class filled up liek crazy and I think we had a solid 67 people in there, I couldnt help but have a big smile on my face seeing all these people struggle with the heat , i know we all been there but couldnt help but gt more motivation while watching this , anyways overall solid day 62!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Day 61: All cramped up

Got to have a very nice sleep in also kind of had a pig out night from hanging out with my friends super late and I chose to skip boxing , I did however do a very intense chest workout today and while teaching the 4 30 pm class my right bicep started cramping up after one chattarunga. I finished the night off with 9 pm moksha and going into eagle pose I felt the entire upper body included biceps , triceps ,shoulders and lats LIKE FREAKIN OUCH! anyways all was well after i suppose except for my left tricep , guess I should lift as hard?

Monday, March 1, 2010

Day 60: Love teaching 6 am , noon and 5:30

Lots of time in the hot room today , topped off with Robin `s hot flow , we had over 50 people in that class and I had never seen so many regular goers go down before the end of class , thsi resulted in one awesome sleep! I couldnt even finish watching three amigos with my buddies , tomorrow I plan to head back to the gym and squeeze in a boxing session

Day 57 , 58 , 59 John Hughes movies isn`t just movies about teenagers , it about the struggle to find oneself

Day 57 : Well Friday started off with some some boxing so good kick to the system , and then the rest of the day I got to rest up fairly nice until i got to moksha 2 then i taught two classes afterwards , I had one girl just overly tell me how much she loved the class and how she felt calm and relaxed and then was saying how she would bring her friends and then Im just like yeah definitely from high school.

Day 58: Was stuck working 8 hours and the cashier position and then I was ready to rock things out via 80s karma night , when my friend saw my outfit , he was like dude? that`s like underwear , but my boi Stephane was pulling the underwear with his risky business get up and then through the 80s class i went through shirt changes representing Ninja turtles , Wham , Run DMC and the breakfast club, overall it the class was extreme fun and felt like the laughs were coming at a rapid pace that it seemed like the class was 5 minutes.

Day 59: Well didn`t really get enough sleep on account that I was out til 4 am the night before but i still was pumped full of energy teaching my 1:30 class that turned out to be all female due to the hockey game and then i got to teach a the music which also had a slightly higher turnout , Jaclyn was great as always and i made it time to watch highlights and the olympics ceremony